- 14/02/2025 Announcement
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Department of Aerospace Science and Technology

About the department
To the prospective students
The Department of Aerospace Science and Technology (AST) belongs to the School of Sciences of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). This is a new Department created in the framework of the design of NKUA for the expansion of the cognitive objects offered for undergraduate studies based on the know-how and the high technological weight that has been acquired in the last 15 years from the participation in space programs and space missions. European Space Agency, excellence, innovation and modern educational trends.
The AST Department started its operation during the academic year 2019-2020 in the Evripos Complex, in Psachna, Evia, with the aim of making the regional campus of NKUA an island of excellence in Aerospace in Southeast Europe and an attraction for prospective students and graduates. the metropolitan center, as well as from abroad (brain gain).
The new AST Department is unique in Greece in the field of Aerospace with a distinct role, character and specific goals directly related to the needs of industry, defense and economy of our country, the creation of a new highly trained workforce with new digital skills. The new department has been created from scratch with new high-level staff (Faculty members), experienced and young scientists from abroad (brain gain).
Latest news
News and announcements from the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology
- 13/02/2025 Announcement
Ομιλία του Αδριανού Γολέμη στο ΕΚΕΦΕ "Δημόκριτος" την Δευτέρα 17/02
Ο κ. Αδριανός Γολέμης (https://www.linkedin.com/in/adrianos-golemis/?originalSubdomain=de) επικεφαλής των γιατρών αστροναυτών της ESA θα μιλήσει στο…
- 13/02/2025 Announcement
Ωρολόγιο πρόγραμμα Εαρινού εξάμήνου Αεροδιαστημικής Επιστήμης και Τεχνολογίας 2024-2025
Τα μαθήματα ξεκινούν την Δευτέρα 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2025.

Vocational rehabilitation
What are the career prospects?
According to data from the Hellenic Association of Space Technology & Applications Industries (EVIDITE), Greece's exports in the aerospace sector exceed 150-200 million Euros per year and there are expressed needs for a specialized aerospace workforce.
The graduates of the Department have significant professional prospects in the private and public sector in areas such as satellite communications and links, satellite navigation, radar systems, Earth remote sensing and surveillance, digital signal and image processing, architecture of reliable digital systems and systems, electronics , etc. as well as applications, the development of telecommunications in new 5G-6G technologies, environmental and climate change monitoring, precision agriculture, emergency prevention (eg floods, forest fires), "smart" cities, etc.

Find out about the studies
Learn more about studying at the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology